1st Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking (APNet 2017)

August 3-4 2017, Hong Kong, China

Call for Posters and Demos

The APNet poster and demo sessions showcase works-in-progress, especially topics/directions at their infant age. Topics of interest are exactly the same as research topics in the SIGCOMM/NSDI/CONEXT conference call for papers. Note that student and industry submissions are strongly encouraged. The APNet 2017 Poster and Demo committee will review all posters and demo proposals.

Why should you submit a Poster?

Presenting a poster is a great opportunity, especially for new topics targeting SIGCOMM/NSDI/CONEXT, to obtain invaluable feedback from a knowledgeable crowd at the conference. Accepted posters will be published as a two-page abstract for the archived conference proceedings.

A Best Poster would be voted by the attendence.

Expected Poster formation

A poster is A0 paper size in portrait mode (841 x 1189mm), to which you can affix visually appealing material that describes your research topic/direction. You should prepare the best material (visually appealing and succinct) that effectively communicates your targeted problem, why it is important, what is the state-of-the-art, what is wrong/missing, your insight, initial design, preliminary results (if any), and why it is novel.

What to submit

You should submit a two-page abstract in PDF format that describes your work. Prepare your abstract using ACM SIG Alternate conference style. The posters and demos submitted to APNet 2017 must be original and cannot be concurrently submitted to other workshops or posters during the poster/demo review period.

Where To Submit

Please submit your abstract at . Submissions are single blind, so please include authors and affiliations.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline June 15, 2017 (23:59 PDT)
Acceptance Notification June 25, 2017
Camera Ready July 7, 2017

Poster Chairs

Fengyuan Ren (Tsinghua University, China)

Chen Tian (Nanjing University, China)

Henry Xu (City University of Hong Kong, China)

Program Commitee

Kazuya Okada (University of Tokyo, Japan)

Deke Guo (National University of Defense Technology, China)

Suk-Bok Lee (Hangyang University, Korea)

Chengchen Hu (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China)

Min Suk Kang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Hanhua Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

Barry Wu (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)

Yang Chen (Fudan University, China)

Fan Wu (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)